Sunday, October 20, 2013

Technology & Pedagogy

I chose this lesson plan because probability is a difficult topic in math, so I wanted to explore lesson plans that teachers have made that would help students and me in the future.
 For the most part the curriculum goals, teaching strategies, and technologies used were aligned, with a few exceptions. One of the curriculum goals was missing, which is an important factor in learning probability. Students not only need to learn how to find the probability of a given event, but also should be able to visually represent it. The missing curriculum goal covered the visual representation of probability events of one or more event occurring. The strategies were also mostly aligned, except for two, the one that was missing and the last one. A strategy that would be good is working with hands on manipulatives and discussing in groups. The technology was not aligned very well, the teacher provided a couple of opportunities for the use of technology, but did not go through with them and just made it an option for the students.
The technology listed is essential to support the instructional strategies because it proves what the teacher tells the students. The video Probability and odds provides another viewpoint for students understanding, which allows the students to see in more than one way. The students were also provided to access on the computer, which did not really support the lesson, but allowed them to look up any additional information they needed to know. Other technologies that would better support the strategies for the goals would be the smart board/power point for visual representation, calculators, online manipulatives, and Microsoft excel. Each of these technologies would allow students to see what they are trying to find and support their answers.


1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,
    I really liked how in the first sentence you stated that you choose this lesson plan not only for your students but for yourself as well. I think it is very important, as future educators and students, to want to learn for our own benefit and for our students. This is a great quality being able to understand that we are learners as well and not only educators.
    I also liked how you implemented technology into your lesson as a means of modeling for your students. I am not a big math person, but I like how you implemented the Excel exercise into your lesson. I've personally use it sometimes and its functions are very helpful.
